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The message of Jesus Christ

On December 25th, when Jesus was born, three kings. came to his birthplace. These three gave expression to three different views about the new-born babe. One of them, looking at the infant,said: "This child looks like one who will be a lover of God." A second king said: "God will love this child." The third king declared: "Verily, this child is God Himself." The first one viewed the child from the physical point of view. The second saw the child from the mental viewpoint. The third saw from the Aatmic (spiritual) point of view.

The three declarations indicate how one can progress from the human to the divine level. What is needed is the destruction of the animal and demonic qualities in man. Man today worships inanimate idols and images, but makes no attempt to love his fellow human beings in flesh and blood. This was the first message of Jesus. Though one sees his neighbours day after day, he does not choose to love them. How can one believe that such a person can love an invisible God?
If a man cannot love a fellow human being who is visible before his eyes, how can he love what is not visible to him? This is not possible. Only a man who loves living beings around him can love the invisible Divine. Love must start with love for beings that have form. It must be extended to all beings. This is the primary stage in spirituality.

Spirituality does not mean preoccupation with meditation, worship, etc. It involves total extinction of the animal and demonic qualifies in man and the manifestation of his inherent divinity.When the attachments and hatreds in which man is enveloped are removed, the inherent divinity in man, the Sath-chith-ananda in him will manifest Itself.There is no need to search for the omnipresent Divine in any specific place. When you are yourself divine, why search for the Divine elsewhere? It is a mark of ignorance.

Poornachandra Auditorium, Christmas day, 25 Dec 1992
The grace of God cannot be won through the gymnastics of reason,
the contortions of yoga or denials of asceticism. Love alone can
win it, love that needs no requital, love that knows no bargaining,
love that is paid gladly as tribute to all living. Love that is
Sathya Sai Baba

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