Men today act upon what is stated in an almanac. But when the Vedas declare "Thath Thwam Asi" ("That Thou Art") they are not prepared to believe in it. Men who are prepared to believe in some tale in a newspaper or a novel, will not believe in the Vedic pronouncement of their inherent dignity.
Many scientific inventions are extremely useful to man. But if they are not properly used they can cause great harm.
For instance, television can be valuable means of educating and entertaining people. But how is it berg used today? As soon as a boy returns from school, he throws away his books and starts looking at the TV. His mother serves him food near the TV set. Both mother and son keep watching TV without regard to their other duties. Several hours of precious time is wasted in watching TV. The fault lies not with the television, but with the excessive and wrongful use of the instrument. It is like a knife which can be used for slicing vegetables or stabbing a person. It is only when science is linked to spirituality that the results of science can be fully harnessed for the good and elevation of mankind.
-Bhagwan Sri Sathya Saibaba
Discourse in Bombay on 26-1 - 1985.
Discourse in Bombay on 26-1 - 1985.
People who have a wavering mind cannot be true yogis, even
though they may pass off as good devotees in external