Om Mahalaxmi Stotrams
Stotram I
Sanskrit wording:
Namasteastu Mahamayai Shreepeethae surpoojitae,
Stotram I
Sanskrit wording:
Namasteastu Mahamayai Shreepeethae surpoojitae,
Shankhchakregadahastae Mahalaxmi Namoastuee Tae.
English meaning:
O Mahamaya, abode of furtune, who art worshipped by the Devas,
English meaning:
O Mahamaya, abode of furtune, who art worshipped by the Devas,
I salute Thee; O Mahalaxmi, wielder of conch, disc and mace, obeisance to Thee.
Stotram II
Sanskrit Wording
Namastae Garudarudhae kolasurbhayankari,
Stotram II
Sanskrit Wording
Namastae Garudarudhae kolasurbhayankari,
sarvepapehare Devi Mahalaxmi Namoastu Tae.
English Meaning
My salutation to Thee, who ridest the Garuda and art a terror to Asura Kola;
English Meaning
My salutation to Thee, who ridest the Garuda and art a terror to Asura Kola;
O Devi Mahalaxmi, remover of all miseries, my obeisance to Thee.
Stotram III
English Wording
Sarvagay Sarvvarde Sarvdushtbhayankari, sarvedukhharea Devi Mahalaxmi Namoastu Tae.
English Meaning
O Devi Mahalaxmi, who knowest all, giver of all boons, a terror to all the wicket, remover of all sorrow, obeisance to Thee.
Stotram IV
Sanskrit Wording
Sidhibudhi Pradae Devi bhuktimukti Pradyani, Mantremoortae sada Devi Mahalaxmi Namoastu Tae.
English Meaning
O Devi, giver of intelligence and success and of worldly enjoyment and liberation (as well), Thou hast always the mystic symbols (Mantras) as Thy form, O Mahalakshmi, obeisance to Thee
Stotram V
Sanskrit Wording
Aadhayantrahitae Devi Aadhaye Shaktae Mahashavri, yogjae yogsambhootae Mahalaxmi Namoastu Tae.
English Meaning
O Devi, Maheshwari, without a beginning or an end, O Primeval Energy, born of Yoga, O Mahalakshmi, obeisance to Thee.
Stotram VI
Sanskrit Wording
Suthool Suksham maharoodrae Mahashaktae mahodayae, Mahapaphare Devi Mahalaxmi Namoastu Tae.
English Meaning
O Mahalakshmi, who art both gross and subtle, most terrible, great power, great prosperity and great remover of all sins, obeisance to Thee.
Stotram VII
Sanskrit Wording
Padmaasansithetae Devi Parbrham savroopni, Parmaishi Jaganmatmahalaxmi Namoastu Tae.
English Meaning
O Devi, seated on the lotus, who art the Supreme Brahman, the great Lord and Mother of the universe, O Mahalakshmi obeisance to Thee.
Stotram VIII
Sanskrit Wording
Shewatamberdhare Devi Nanalankarbhushitae, Jagtisathatae Jaganmatmahalaxmi Namoastu Tae.
English Meaning
O Devi, robed in white garments and decked with various kinds of ornaments, Thou art the mother of the universe and its support, O Mahalakshmi, obeisance to Thee.
Stotram IX
Sanskrit Wording
Mahalaxmaishataksatotram ya Pathatke bhaktiman Narah, sarvesidhimvapnoti Mahalaxmi Prasadta.
English Meaning
Whoever with devotion reads this hymn to Mahalakshmi, composed in eight stanzas, attains all success through the Grace of Mahalakshmi.